T.C.F. Revue Mensuelle - September 1925
Le 7e Championnat de la Bicyclette polymultipliée

T.C.F. Revue Mensuelle September 1925 - Le 7e Championnat de la Bicyclette polymultipliee scan 1 main image

J. Lavenu reports that 34 machines completed the seventh Championnat de la Bicyclette Polymultiplié, held on the 25th of April 1925. This number was composed of:

  • 23 bikes equipped with derailleur gears.
  • 1 floating chain design
  • 1 bi-chain design.
  • 7 designs using ‘English’ hub gears
  • 2 designs using gearing at the bottom bracket.

The derailleur is clearly king.

I like the picture of the dudes in their thick, prickly, woolen jackets, coats and hats inspecting the bikes after arrival. They have the hands-in-pockets look of sullen, sceptical, farmers pretending that they have been overcharged at a livestock auction.

(Source gallica.bnf.fr/ Bibliothèque nationale de France)