T.C.F. Revue Mensuelle - June 1924
Le 6e Critérium de la Bicyclette polymultipliée

T.C.F. Revue Mensuelle June 1924 - Le 6e Criterium de la Bicyclette polymultipliee scan 1 main image

M. Maitre takes up the challenge on reporting on the sixth Critérium de la Bicyclette Polymultipliée, held on the 27th of April 1924. 52 solo machines and six tandems seemed to have completed the test. These 58 machines featured the following transmissions:

  • One Super As 2 speed derailleur.
  • Two Audouard Le Crack 2 speed derailleurs.
  • One Audouard Le Crack 2 X 2 speed system.
  • Three Boizot Le Montagnard 2 X 3 speed derailleur systems.
  • One Boizot unspecified 2 X 3 speed derailleur system.
  • One Boizot 4 speed derailleur.
  • Eleven Le Chemineau 2 X 3 speed derailleur systems.
  • Five Le Chemineau 3 speed derailleurs.
  • Two Le Cyclo 2 X 2 speed derailleur systems.
  • One Le Cyclo 3 speed derailleur.
  • Three L’Ecureuil (The Squirrel) 2 X 3 derailleur systems (?).
  • Three Intégral 2 X 3 speed derailleur systems (?).
  • Two Bilis 3 speed geared chainwheels.
  • Twelve BSA 3 speed hubs.
  • Four Hirondelle 2 X 2 speed retro-directs.
  • One Magnat-Debon 3 speed gear box at the chainwheel.
  • Two Sturmey-Archer 3 speed hubs.
  • Three 3 X 3 speed floating chain systems.

A lot has changed since the previous year’s event. L’ As has disappeared and its cousin, Le Cyclo, has made its first appearance. All the RPF bikes in the event were now fitted with Le Cyclo’s.

The Super As is no longer the lightweight derailleur of choice - it has been superceded by Audouard’s Le Crack. Audouard’s traditional 8 speed derailleur system, a feature of these events for over a decade, does not appear.

I have never been clear about the relationship between the Boizot and Tracol brands. Sometimes Boizot derailleurs seem to be fitted to Tracol bikes, and sometimes vice versa. In this article M. Tracol is refered to as the originator of Le Montagnard derailleur - but I shall continue to refer to it as a Boizot model.

I have no information about L’Ecureuil or Intégral derailleur designs.

(Source gallica.bnf.fr/ Bibliothèque nationale de France)

Browse associated derailleurs.

Le Chemineau (1st style) thumbnail
Le Chemineau (2nd style) thumbnail