F. Fauveau is at it again, reporting in lavish detail on the results of fifth Championnat de la Bicyclette Polymultipliée, held on the 29th of April 1923. There seemed to have been 86 machines that applied to enter, 76 started and 57 finished. The 57 finishing machines sported the following transmissions:
- Six L’As 2 X 2 speed derailleur systems.
- Two L’As 3 X 2 speed derailleur systems (that’s a triple chainwheel).
- Two Super As 2 speed derailleurs.
- One Audouard 2 X 4 speed system.
- Three Boizot 3 speed derailleurs.
- One Boizot 4 speed derailleur.
- One unspecified Boizot derailleur.
- Five Le Chemineau 2 X 3 speed derailleur systems.
- Four Le Chemineau 3 speed derailleurs.
- Two Intégral 4 speed derailleurs (?).
- One Intégral 3 speed derailleur (?).
- Seventeen BSA 3 speed hubs.
- Three Hirondelle 2 X 2 speed retro-directs.
- One Hirondelle 2 speed retro-direct.
- One Magnat-Debon 3 speed gear box at the chainwheel.
- One Sturmey-Archer 3 speed hub.
- Four reversible rear wheels with double fixed hubs.
- One bi-chain.
- One unknown chainwheel gearing system.
Claudius Bouillier acquitted himself respectably on an Automoto fitted with a 2 X 2 L’As system. Unfortunately, in the serious road racing category, the two riders using the new Super As racing derailleurs were beaten by three riders using basic double-fixed hubs. In other news, Albert Raimond (of RPF at the time) was complemented on the tidy design of his ‘Rosea’ front derailleur.
I have no information about the Intégral derailleur designs.
(Source gallica.bnf.fr/ Bibliothèque nationale de France)
- Publisher: T.C.F. Revue Mensuelle
- Country: France
- Date: June 1923
- Derailleur brands: As, Audouard, Boizot, BSA, Chemineau, Sturmey-Archer
- Derailleurs: l’As, Super As, Audouard, Boizot Tri-direct, Boizot 4 speed, Le Chemineau