T.C.F. Revue Mensuelle - December 1907
La Bicyclette de Voyage au Salon (part I)

T.C.F. Revue Mensuelle December 1907 - La Bicyclette de Voyage au Salon (part I) scan 1 main image

It’s show time again - 1907 style - and Paul de Vivie is touring the stands gathering tidbits - and probably filching brochures and slipping them into a bulging plastic carrier bag - like every proper bicycle nerd. This article is the first of a two part set.

Maybe my eyes are deceiving me, but at one point he appears to describe a system called Le Pygmée, which gives a high gear when pedaling forward, a low gear when pedaling backwards and an intermediate gear when pedaling alternately forwards and backwards by ‘swaying on the pedals’. Mon Dieu!

(Source gallica.bnf.fr/ Bibliothèque nationale de France)