This is a rather pleasant example of a late Simplex Vallée. Its features are:
- The outer parallelogram plate is black with capitalised logos in white.
- The knuckles are coated in an interesting bronze plastic substance - possibly Teflon, but possibly not.
- The cable route can be switched between 'standard spaced 5 & 6 speed sprockets' to 'compact spaced 6 & 7 speed sprockets' by rotating a small back plastic component.
- The pulley cage plates are black.
- The pulley wheel bolts have Allen heads
- The cable clamp uses an Allen bolt.
- The cable adjuster is silver.
This derailleur is notably similar to the Stratec RX700.
- Derailleur brands: Simplex
- Categories: Simplex - the bitter end
- Country: France
- Date of introduction: 1990?
- Date of this example: unknown
- Model no.: 10111?
- Weight: 273g
- Maximum cog: 28 teeth (Simplex)
- Total capacity: 28 teeth (Simplex)
- Pulley centre to centre: 46mm
- Index compatibility: 5 to 7 speed
- Chain width: 3/32”
- Logic: top normal
- B pivot: sprung
- P pivot: sprung
- Materials: fully aluminium parallelogram and steel pulley cage plates