Route et Piste 11th April 1950 - Simplex advert

Route et Piste 11th April 1950 - Simplex advert main image

Lucien Juy liked to patent everything that moved - and even some things that didn't.

I am a bit confused about the images matched with of 'avec articulation' and 'sans articulation' - these seem backwards to my inexpert eye. But I may be misunderstanding exactly what is articulating.

(Source gallica.bnf.fr/ Bibliothèque nationale de France)

Route et Piste 11th April 1950 - Simplex advert main image
Route et Piste 11th April 1950 - Simplex advert additional image 01
Route et Piste 11th April 1950 - Simplex advert additional image 02
Route et Piste 11th April 1950 - Simplex advert additional image 03
Route et Piste 11th April 1950 - Simplex advert additional image 04
Route et Piste 11th April 1950 - Simplex advert additional image 05
Route et Piste 11th April 1950 - Simplex advert additional image 06