Peugeot Prestige (SX410)

Peugeot Prestige derailleur (SX410) main image

This Peugeot derailleur is a Simplex Prestige travelling under an alias. It looks thoroughly metal, with its cast aluminium knuckles and all - but in fact the main structural elements of the parallelogram arms are plastic - the metal is somewhat optimistically referred to as ‘stiffening’.

This derailleur illustrates one of the defining oddities of the Simplex Prestige - the more exotic (and expensive) the model - the greater the weight.

  • Derailleur brands: Peugeot, manufactured by Simplex
  • Country: France
  • Date of introduction: 1975?
  • Date of this example: unknown
  • Model no.: SX410
  • Weight: 272g
  • Maximum cog: 30 teeth (Sutherland’s 4th edition)
  • Total capacity: 26 teeth (Sutherland’s 4th edition)
  • Pulley centre to centre: 46mm
  • Index compatibility: friction
  • Chain width: 3/32”
  • Logic: top normal
  • B pivot: sprung
  • P pivot: sprung
  • Materials: aluminium knuckles, plastic and steel parallelogram plates and steel pulley cage plates

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