
French Patent 838,657 - Nivex main image French Patent 838,657 - Nivex main image French Patent 838,657 - Nivex main image

Établissement Nivex was based in Villemomble, a suburb to the east of Paris. It appears to have been founded in the mid 1930s, possibly 1937, and it is possible that the main person involved was an Italian, Pierre Gardini. The emphasis from the very beginning seems to have been on producing very high quality components for cycle transmissions.

The Nivex derailleur was a highly developed, steel, twin-cable, parallelogram derailleur that mounted below the chainstay. It is reputed to have delivered a quick, accurate, reliable gear shift. The derailleur was patented in late 1937, but is often described as being launched in 1938.

The derailleur was paired with a clever hub quick-release system that was designed to make it easy to mend a puncture without too much messing about with your chain and gears. Taken as a whole, the Nivex derailleur and hub system was arguably the most advanced available at the time. It was particularly widely used by Alex Singer, the legendary Parisian builder of upmarket touring bicycles.

Many people regard the Nivex as the 'original' parallelogram derailleur - although that is up for discussion! Frank Berto reports that:

"Ernest Csuka, the well known builder of Singer cycles, told Raymond Henry (a French cycling historian) that at the 1947 or 1948 Paris Cycle Show, Tullio Campagnolo took a searching look at the Nivex derailleur and bought two of them. Some years later, Campagnolo brought out the Gran Sport parallelogram derailleur."

I believe that production of the Nivex continued into the 1950s.

Nivex thumbnail*

Nivex 1937?

see also French Patent # 838,657 - Nivex 1937

see also French Patent # 838,657 - Nivex 1937

French Patent 838,657 - Nivex thumbnail

see also French Patent # 839,692 - Nivex 1937

see also French Patent # 839,692 - Nivex 1937

French Patent 839,692 - Nivex thumbnail

see also French Patent # 838,657 Addition # 50,153 - Nivex 1938

see also French Patent # 838,657 Addition # 50,153 - Nivex 1938

French Patent 838,657 Addition 50,153 - Nivex thumbnail

see also Le Cycle 06/1946 - image of Nivex?

see also Le Cycle 06/1946 - image of Nivex?

Le Cycle 1946 06 - Nivex? thumbnail

see also Le Cycle 10/1946 - image of Nivex

see also Le Cycle 10/1946 - image of Nivex

Le Cycle 1946 10 - Nivex thumbnail

see also L'Équipe 03/07/1947 - Nivex ad

see also L'Équipe 03/07/1947 - Nivex ad

L'Équipe 3rd July 1947 - Nivex advert thumbnail

see also French Patent # 1,042,929 - Nivex 1951

see also French Patent # 1,042,929 - Nivex 1951

French Patent 1,042,929 - Nivex thumbnail

see also Le Cycle 12/1951 - image of Nivex pulley

see also Le Cycle 12/1951 - image of Nivex pulley

  • Publisher: Le Cycle
  • Date: December 1951
  • Derailleur brands: Nivex
  • Derailleurs: Nivex
Le Cycle 1951 12 - Nivex pulley thumbnail

see also L'Officiel A.C.M. 27/12/1952 - Le dérailleur Nivex

see also L'Officiel A.C.M. 27/12/1952 - Le dérailleur Nivex

L'Officiel A.C.M. 27th December 1952 - Le dérailleur Nivex thumbnail

see also Cyclo - Origine du dérailleur 1959

see also Cyclo - Origine du dérailleur 1959

  • Publisher: Cyclo
  • Date: 1959
  • Derailleur brands: Cyclo, plus too many others to mention here
  • Derailleurs: too many to mention
Cyclo - Origine du derailleur scan 1 thumbnail

see also New Cycling 05/1981 - '81 Derailleur Collection

see also New Cycling 05/1981 - '81 Derailleur Collection

  • Publisher: New Cycling
  • Date: May 1981
  • Derailleur brands: too numerous to list here
  • Derailleurs: too numerous to list here
New Cycling May 1981 - Derailleur Collection page 017 thumbnail

see also Alex Singer web site - 2017

see also Alex Singer web site - 2017

Alex Singer web site - 2017 image 1 thumbnail