This 1964 advert describes a luxury Japanese bicycle equipped with an exotic, Italian, Campagnolo Sportman derailleur. It caught my eye, because the Campagnolo Sportman was the inspiration for Shimano's very first parallelogram derailleur - the, 1965, Shimano 3.3.3..
As an aside, the Wander-Vogel brand is named after a government sponsored youth movement started in 1930s Japan devoted to healthy living, exercise and celebrating nature... etc. etc. (you’ll recognise the recipe - just garnish with a generous pinch of nationalism and...). This movement was itself an imitation of a slightly spooky German Romantic youth movement - hence the German name. The nexus of ‘the 1930s’, ‘government sponsored youth movements’ and ‘Germany and Japan’ does not seem to me to be a particularly attractive source for a bicycle brand name... But then it has never been my experience that Arbeit macht frei. And I never even much liked the Boy Scouts - I always felt that all those woggles and all that dyb-dyb-dyb-dob-dob-dob nonsense would end in tears - perhaps it will.