Adopting the role of nostalgic, grumpy, old man, I would suggest that this sumptuous catalogue represents something of an apogee for MAVIC. The range of rims described on page 4, and the classic style of the labels, is like balm to the souls of old codgers like me. Many of us are bamboozled by the incomprehensible (an unlikely) claims made for more modern aero designs, and appalled by the lurid and hysterical branding that currently passes for good taste. The simple geometry and obvious quality of the other components are also a relief. Laudably, MAVIC is striving to make minimalist machines for cycling, faithfully following Louis Sullivan's creed that 'form ever follows function'.
In terms of derailleurs, this catalogue introduces the definitive versions of MAVIC's classic MAVIC 801 and MAVIC 851. The hanger attachment is now clearly for Campagnolo dropouts, with no allowance made for whimsical Huret or Simplex alternatives, the pulley cage position is adjustable, the flat outer parallelogram plate matches with the overall geometric styling and the branding is crisply painted in Mavic's corporate font. Classic perfection.