Japan's Bicycle Guide 1975

Japan's Bicycle Guide 1975 - front cover main image

By the mid 1970s the covers of Japan's Bicycle Guide seems to have become a play area for graphic arts students. This 1975 edition features peoples from around the world, or at least around a world that appears to be made up largely of Europe and Japan. I am not completely clear how the Evzone on the lower left intends to ride a bike - surely the red pom-poms on his shoes would get covered in oil - although Wikipedia informs me that the Evzones removed their pompoms before going into battle.

The derailleur selection tells us nothing much that is new about Shimano and SunTour - as, by 1975, they were issuing their own, very comprehensive, English language, catalogues. However the models on page 129 that are produced by the brand that I have called DNB (but which is also sometimes known as Danube or Xenoah) are interesting.