I rather like this Ihaga S.A.G.:
- I like that it is Belgian - variety is the spice of life.
- I like the high quality of construction and finish.
- I like the way the pulley wheel has a large inner flange that rotates along with it.
- I like the thick chrome and black look.
- I am tantalised by the mystery of the meaning of ‘S.A.G.’.
- But, above all, I like the fact that is top-normal in an age that was dominated by low-normal designs.
This last feature is achieved by a cunning cable routing that involves a roller - best understood by looking at the diagram in the instructions.
In the photograph I have disengaged the main spring to allow the derailleur to take up a more normal position.
- Derailleur brands: Ihaga
- Country: Belgium
- Date of introduction: 1940
- Date of this example: unknown
- Model no.: unknown
- Weight: 279g including hanger plate
- Maximum cog: 24 teeth
- Total capacity: 16 teeth
- Pulley centre to centre: not applicable
- Index compatibility: friction
- Chain width: 1/8”?
- Logic: top normal
- B pivot: sprung
- P pivot: none
- Materials: steel