I have a soft spot for 1970s Huret catalogues with their fiercely ‘modern’ Huret logo in ghastly yellow, their curiously irrelevant maps of the Burgundy region and, of course, the ever-present tricolore.
Key features of this 1975 edition might include:
- It introduces the new Challenger design (page 1) that went on to dominate Huret’s design thinking for the best part of a decade.
- The Jubilee is curiously absent. It is very much present in both earlier and later catalogues - but takes a holiday in 1975.
Also of interest are:
- The whole page devoted to solving the needlessly created problem of fitting Huret derailleurs to various types of rear drop out (page 16).
- The incomprehensibly large range of ugly, rattly, inaccurate speedometers and of all the spares that you will need when they inevitably break (pages 18 to 23).
- A page (page 24) showing gear ratios in both British ‘gear inches’ and French ‘development’ - which could be useful if you have to get through a long evening sharing a youth hostel with a group of French cycle tourists.