
French Patent 448,304 - Matocq main image French Patent 448,304 - Matocq main image French Patent 448,304 - Matocq main image

see also TCF Rev Mens 05/1908 - de Vive ad

see also TCF Rev Mens 05/1908 - de Vive ad

T.C.F. Revue Mensuelle May 1908 - de Vive advert thumbnail

see also French Patent # 448,304 - Matocq 1912

see also French Patent # 448,304 - Matocq 1912

French Patent 448,304 - Matocq thumbnail

see also L'Auto 06/04/1913 - Le Championnat de la Polymultipliée

see also L'Auto 06/04/1913 - Le Championnat de la Polymultipliée

L'Auto 06-04-13 thumbnail

I am aware of four tantalising morsels of evidence for Henri-Michel Matocq having played a walk-on part in the early history of the derailleur.

The first is that he advertised a tandem fitted with a de Vivie gear system in the May 1908 TCF Revue Mensuelle. Bizarre transmission systems were clearly his thang...

The second is the claim that he displayed a derailleur transmission of his own devising in September 1911 at the 11th Concours des Petits Fabricants et Inventeurs Français.

The third and most concrete clue is French Patent # 448,304, applied for in his name in September 1912, apparently for the cunning contraption he had displayed the previous year.

And finally a ‘Macocq’ bicycle (sperring errol?) fitted with a ‘Matocq’ 3 speed derailleur gear system took part in, and completed, the fourth Championnat de la Bicyclette Polymultipliée in April 1922.

Matocq derailleur thumbnail*

Matocq 1911