see also French Patent # 756,436 - EWA 1933
see also French Patent # 756,436 - EWA 1933
see also French Patent # 771,809 - EWA 1934
see also French Patent # 771,809 - EWA 1934
see also Le Vélo Boxe 20/11/1934 - EWA ad
see also Le Vélo Boxe 20/11/1934 - EWA ad
see also La Revue des Agents 01/1936 - Le dérailleur Super-EWA
see also La Revue des Agents 01/1936 - Le dérailleur Super-EWA
EWA was a derailleur (and general cycle parts) brand produced by Antonin Weber in Aurillac in southern France.
In the early 1930s Antonin Weber developed an interest in derailleurs and may have produce two models: