
Dimosil main document image Dimosil main document image Dimosil main document image

see also Brazilian Trademark # 003520781 - Dimosil 1961

see also Brazilian Trademark # 003520781 - Dimosil 1961

Brazilian Trademark 003520781 - Dimosil thumbnail

see also Brazilian Trademark # 003520790 - Dimosil 1961

see also Brazilian Trademark # 003520790 - Dimosil 1961

Brazilian Trademark 003520790 - Dimosil thumbnail

Dimosil - bag 1995?

Dimosil - bag 1995?

Dimosil derailleur - bag thumbnail

Industria Metallurgica Dimosil Ltda is/was based in São Paulo. It was certainly in business in 1994, and may still be to this day. Dimosil appear to have manufactured a wide range of pressed steel products for a number of different markets. The word ‘bathroom’ seems to appear regularly in the Portuguese text describing their activities.

I have only ever seen two different basic models of Dimosil derailleur - both represented in this collection. The first basic model is a copy of a SunTour Honor. The second basic model is broadly a copy of a Shimano Skylark/Tourney. Both basic models were produced in a number of variants with detail differences between them.