
French Patent 849,729 - Spirax main image French Patent 813,241 - Huret main image French Patent 849,729 - Spirax main image

see also TCF Rev Mens 04/1906 - Chalumeau ad

see also TCF Rev Mens 04/1906 - Chalumeau ad

T.C.F. Revue Mensuelle April 1906 - Chalumeau advert thumbnail

see also French Patent # 813,241 - Huret 1936

see also French Patent # 813,241 - Huret 1936

French Patent 813,241 - Huret thumbnail

see also L'Auto 05/04/1937 - Huret ad

see also L'Auto 05/04/1937 - Huret ad

  • Publisher: L'Auto
  • Date: April 1937
  • Derailleur brands: Huret, Chaluret
  • Derailleurs: Huret Course Pro (1st style), Huret Touriste
L'Auto 5th April 1937 - Huret advert thumbnail

see also L'Officiel A.C.M. 04/04/1937 - Chaluret ad

see also L'Officiel A.C.M. 04/04/1937 - Chaluret ad

L'Officiel A.C.M. 4th April 1937 - Chaluret advert thumbnail

see also L'Officiel A.C.M. 30/05/1937 - Chaluret ad

see also L'Officiel A.C.M. 30/05/1937 - Chaluret ad

L'Officiel A.C.M. 30th May 1937 - Chaluret advert thumbnail

see also L'Auto 05/07/1937 - Huret ad

see also L'Auto 05/07/1937 - Huret ad

  • Publisher: L'Auto
  • Date: July 1937
  • Derailleur brands: Huret, Chaluret
  • Derailleurs: Huret Course Pro (2nd style), Huret Touriste
L'Auto 5th July 1937 - Huret advert thumbnail

see also L'Officiel A.C.M. 09/01/1938 - Chaluret ad

see also L'Officiel A.C.M. 09/01/1938 - Chaluret ad

L'Officiel A.C.M. 9th January 1938 - Chaluret advert thumbnail

see also L'Officiel A.C.M. 23/01/1938 - Chaluret ad

see also L'Officiel A.C.M. 23/01/1938 - Chaluret ad

L'Officiel A.C.M. 23rd January 1938 - Chaluret advert thumbnail

see also L'Auto 19/04/1938 - Chaluret ad

see also L'Auto 19/04/1938 - Chaluret ad

L'Auto 19th April 1938 - Chaluret advert thumbnail

see also French Patent # 849,729 - Chaluret 1939

see also French Patent # 849,729 - Chaluret 1939

French Patent 849,729 - Spirax thumbnail

see also L'Auto 18/04/1944 - Chaluret ad

see also L'Auto 18/04/1944 - Chaluret ad

L'Auto 18th April 1944 - Chaluret advert thumbnail

see also Le Cycle 10/1946 - image of Chaluret 93

see also Le Cycle 10/1946 - image of Chaluret 93

Le Cycle 1946 10 - Chaluret 93 thumbnail

Chaluret flyer - 1949

Chaluret flyer - 1949

Chaluret flyer - 1949? thumbnail

Chaluret flyer - 1950?

Chaluret flyer - 1950?

Chaluret flyer - 1950? scan 1 thumbnail

see also L'Officiel A.C.M. 20/09/1952 - Chaluret ad

see also L'Officiel A.C.M. 20/09/1952 - Chaluret ad

L'Officiel A.C.M. 20th September 1952 - Chaluret advert thumbnail

see also New Cycling 05/1981 - '81 Derailleur Collection

see also New Cycling 05/1981 - '81 Derailleur Collection

  • Publisher: New Cycling
  • Date: May 1981
  • Derailleur brands: too numerous to list here
  • Derailleurs: too numerous to list here
New Cycling May 1981 - Derailleur Collection page 017 thumbnail

Chaluret was the derailleur brand of Établissements Chalumeau et Menneret, a company based in St-Ouen in northern Pairs and Chitenay, near Blois. The word Chaluret is formed from the initial letters of Chalumeau and the final letters of Menneret.

I have an advert for Chalumeau bicycles dating from 1906, giving an address in northern Paris. Perhaps Chalumeau originated in Paris and Menneret in Chitenay.

I also have two Chaluret flyers probably dating from 1949 and 1950 indicating that the company produced tub cement and handlebar tape. Crucially for this web site:

  • In the late 1930s Chaluret seems to have been the exclusive agent for Huret derailleurs.
  • Perhaps in 1939 Chaluret launched its own derailleur called the ‘Chaluret 93’.

There is a company still in business today (or at least in business as recently as 2012) called ‘Hervet-Chalumeau et Menneret’ that is based in Sassay, 15 km from Chitenay. It is owned by the Hervet family and appears to manufacture plastic pipes.