
Chaluret 93 (1st style) derailleur main image Chaluret 93 (2nd style) derailleur main image Chaluret 93 (1st style) derailleur main image

Chaluret was the derailleur brand of Établissements Chalumeau et Menneret, a company based in St-Ouen in northern Pairs and Chitenay, near Blois. The word Chaluret is formed from the initial letters of Chalumeau and the final letters of Menneret.

I have an advert for Chalumeau bicycles dating from 1906, giving an address in northern Paris. Perhaps Chalumeau originated in Paris and Menneret in Chitenay.

I also have two Chaluret flyers probably dating from 1949 and 1950 indicating that the company produced tub cement and handlebar tape. Crucially for this web site:

  • In the late 1930s Chaluret seems to have been the exclusive agent for Huret derailleurs.
  • Perhaps in 1939 Chaluret launched its own derailleur called the ‘Chaluret 93’.

There is a company still in business today (or at least in business as recently as 2012) called ‘Hervet-Chalumeau et Menneret’ that is based in Sassay, 15 km from Chitenay. It is owned by the Hervet family and appears to manufacture plastic pipes.

see also TCF Rev Mens 04/1906 - Chalumeau ad

see also TCF Rev Mens 04/1906 - Chalumeau ad

T.C.F. Revue Mensuelle April 1906 - Chalumeau advert thumbnail

see also French Patent # 813,241 - Huret 1936

see also French Patent # 813,241 - Huret 1936

French Patent 813,241 - Huret thumbnail

see also L'Auto 05/04/1937 - Huret ad

see also L'Auto 05/04/1937 - Huret ad

  • Publisher: L'Auto
  • Date: April 1937
  • Derailleur brands: Huret, Chaluret
  • Derailleurs: Huret Course Pro (1st style), Huret Touriste
L'Auto 5th April 1937 - Huret advert thumbnail

see also L'Officiel A.C.M. 04/04/1937 - Chaluret ad

see also L'Officiel A.C.M. 04/04/1937 - Chaluret ad

L'Officiel A.C.M. 4th April 1937 - Chaluret advert thumbnail

see also L'Officiel A.C.M. 30/05/1937 - Chaluret ad

see also L'Officiel A.C.M. 30/05/1937 - Chaluret ad

L'Officiel A.C.M. 30th May 1937 - Chaluret advert thumbnail

see also L'Auto 05/07/1937 - Huret ad

see also L'Auto 05/07/1937 - Huret ad

  • Publisher: L'Auto
  • Date: July 1937
  • Derailleur brands: Huret, Chaluret
  • Derailleurs: Huret Course Pro (2nd style), Huret Touriste
L'Auto 5th July 1937 - Huret advert thumbnail

see also L'Officiel A.C.M. 09/01/1938 - Chaluret ad

see also L'Officiel A.C.M. 09/01/1938 - Chaluret ad

L'Officiel A.C.M. 9th January 1938 - Chaluret advert thumbnail

see also L'Officiel A.C.M. 23/01/1938 - Chaluret ad

see also L'Officiel A.C.M. 23/01/1938 - Chaluret ad

L'Officiel A.C.M. 23rd January 1938 - Chaluret advert thumbnail

see also L'Auto 19/04/1938 - Chaluret ad

see also L'Auto 19/04/1938 - Chaluret ad

L'Auto 19th April 1938 - Chaluret advert thumbnail

see also French Patent # 849,729 - Chaluret 1939

see also French Patent # 849,729 - Chaluret 1939

French Patent 849,729 - Spirax thumbnail

see also L'Auto 18/04/1944 - Chaluret ad

see also L'Auto 18/04/1944 - Chaluret ad

L'Auto 18th April 1944 - Chaluret advert thumbnail

see also Le Cycle 10/1946 - image of Chaluret 93

see also Le Cycle 10/1946 - image of Chaluret 93

Le Cycle 1946 10 - Chaluret 93 thumbnail

Chaluret flyer - 1949

Chaluret flyer - 1949

Chaluret flyer - 1949? thumbnail

Chaluret flyer - 1950?

Chaluret flyer - 1950?

Chaluret flyer - 1950? scan 1 thumbnail

see also L'Officiel A.C.M. 20/09/1952 - Chaluret ad

see also L'Officiel A.C.M. 20/09/1952 - Chaluret ad

L'Officiel A.C.M. 20th September 1952 - Chaluret advert thumbnail

see also New Cycling 05/1981 - '81 Derailleur Collection

see also New Cycling 05/1981 - '81 Derailleur Collection

  • Publisher: New Cycling
  • Date: May 1981
  • Derailleur brands: too numerous to list here
  • Derailleurs: too numerous to list here
New Cycling May 1981 - Derailleur Collection page 017 thumbnail