New Cycling April 1965 - SunTour advert (1st style)

New Cycling April 1965 - SunTour advert (1st style) main image

Just one year after introducing their first parallelogram derailleur (the Suntour Skitter (1st style), SunTour introduce their third model the SunTour New Skitter, brining their revolutionary slant parallelogram design to a new lower price point. In the 1960s SunTour seemed to have an ability to innovate and bring new designs to market with a speed that left the European ‘giants’ of the derailleur world eating dust.

It is possible that the text indicates that these derailleurs can either handle a 28 tooth sprocket or that they have a total capacity of 28 teeth.

New Cycling April 1965 - SunTour advert (1st style) main image

Browse associated derailleurs.

SunTour Gran-Prix derailleur thumbnail
SunTour New Skitter derailleur thumbnail