T.C.F. Revue Mensuelle - September 1934
Chronique cyclotouristique

T.C.F. Revue Mensuelle September 1934 - Chronique cyclotouristique scan 1 main image

This article, replete with splendidly atmospheric landscape photography, covers a feast of cycling in the Pyrenees. The main business for derailleur lovers was the sixth ‘Concours de bicyclettes de tourisme à changement de vitesse’ - a reliability trial for geared touring bicycles. The roll-call of derailleurs used by the top ten participating machines were:

  • Eight machines used Le Cyclo 4 speed derailleurs.
  • One, a velo-car, used a Mochet fork type derailleur.
  • One, a Schulz, used a Funiculo 4 speed derailleur.

It is almost as if Cyclo’s major competitors boycotted the event.

(Source gallica.bnf.fr/ Bibliothèque nationale de France)