
Cristim (2nd style) main image Cristim (1st style) main image Cristim (2nd style) main image

Up until recently I included 'Centauros' and 'Cristim' derailleurs under my imaginary brand 'Unknown Brazilians'. However I have now seen a good handful of examples of Centauros, Centauros-like and Cristim derailleurs. Also a Brazilian correspondent emailed me to complain, in the politest possible way, that I was willing to recognise very obscure brands from other countries - but did not do this for Brazilian derailleurs. So I have now decided to grant both Centauros and Cristim the accolade of being brands in their own right. I believe that Centauros and Cristim derailleurs were produced in the same factory.

None of this changes the fact that I know next to nothing about either Centauros or Cristim or the combination of the two. I do not even know that they are definitively Brazilian - my only evidence is that all the relevant derailleurs that I have ever seen have been found in Brazil.